Interior Design

Property Brothers & Martha Stewart's White House Makeover: From Chic Design Tips to Hilarious DIY Ideas

During a recent visit to the White House, the Property Brothers had some amusing ideas to add to the premises while Martha Stewart also made an appearance....

Property Brothers and Martha Stewart Visit the White House

Recently, the White House welcomed two celebrities - Property Brothers and Martha Stewart - and they had some interesting thoughts about the premises. Property Brothers, Jonathan and Drew Scott, are known for their architecture and interior design skills, while Martha Stewart is a famous American business woman, television personality, and writer.

The Property Brothers

Jonathan and Drew Scott suggested that the White House needed a complete makeover to make it more modern and functional. They suggested adding higher ceilings, more natural light, and better insulation to improve energy efficiency. They also recommended a complete redesign of the Oval Office, converting it into a more versatile space for meetings, interviews, and photo ops.

The Property Brothers also proposed the addition of a pool and a movie theatre complex within the premises, making the White House more welcoming for guests and the First Family. The idea of the pool is supposed to help the President cool off during the intense DC summers!

Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart is no stranger to the White House - she has been a frequent visitor in the past, and even catered the inaugural luncheon for President Obama. During her recent visit, Martha Stewart focused on some practical advice for the White House, including sprucing up the kitchen and the China Room, and adding some fresh flowers and organic produce to boost the healthy eating options for the President and his staff.

Martha Stewart also suggested that the White House should be opened up to more public events, such as athletic and cultural events on the back lawn, fundraiser dinners in the East Room, and even weddings in the Rose Garden - something that could help support the functioning of the White House, along with providing some memorable experiences for the guests.

In conclusion

It's always interesting to hear what experts have to say about how the White House could be improved, and the suggestions from the Property Brothers and Martha Stewart are definitely worth considering. While not all proposals may be implemented, it will be interesting to see how the current administration and future candidates approach upgrades, additions and renovations to this grand Washington DC landmark.

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