Gardening and Landscaping

Professional Procrastinators: How to Cultivate a 'Procrastination Garden' in Time for Summer

It is never too late to create a "Procrastination Garden" just in time for summer, as even professionals engage in procrastination....

3 June 2024
Creating a "Procrastination Garden" Just in Time for Summer

Creating a "Procrastination Garden" Just in Time for Summer

Procrastination is something that most of us are guilty of at one time or another. Whether it's putting off doing the laundry, paying bills, or starting a new project, procrastination is a common behavior that can be hard to overcome. However, what if we embraced our procrastination tendencies and channeled them into something positive? That's where the concept of a "Procrastination Garden" comes in.

Creating a "Procrastination Garden" is a fun and creative way to embrace your procrastination tendencies and turn them into something beautiful. Even professionals, who are often under strict deadlines and pressure, find themselves procrastinating from time to time. So why not use that time to create something that will bring you joy and relaxation?

How to Create a Procrastination Garden

Creating a "Procrastination Garden" is a simple and customizable project that can be tailored to your own tastes and preferences. Here are some steps to get you started:

  1. Choose a location: Find a spot in your yard or balcony that gets ample sunlight and is easily accessible. This could be a small corner of your yard, a section of your balcony, or even a window box.
  2. Select plants: Choose plants that are easy to care for and will thrive in your chosen location. Consider flowers, herbs, or succulents that will bring beauty and flavor to your space.
  3. Gather supplies: Purchase planters, soil, tools, and any other supplies you'll need to get started. You can also upcycle old containers or planters to add a personal touch to your garden.
  4. Plant and tend to your garden: Now comes the fun part! Plant your chosen plants in your containers, water them regularly, and tend to them as needed. Enjoy the process of watching your garden grow and flourish.

The Benefits of a Procrastination Garden

Creating a "Procrastination Garden

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